Wednesday, October 28, 2009



Epistemology is a branch of philosophy inherited by Moslem scholar among the Greek philosophers. Literally Epistemology means a theory of knowledge. According to Hamlyn (1972):

· "Epistemology, or the theory of knowledge, is that branch which concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge, its presupposition and basis, and general reliability of claims to knowledge." – Hamlyn

· Descartes said that Epistemology means what we know (rationalism). It is the belief that the mind is capable of knowing things event without experience.

· Philosopher in England said that the Epistemology means known as empiricism. It is the belief that the best way to be obtaining about something is to tests it your sense - through actual experience. Empiricism became a major aspect of what we now call science.

· Epistemology (aptly defined in Gary De Mar's War of the Worldviews: a Christian Defense Manual, American Vision, 1994) studies the nature, source, and limits of human knowledge, as well as the analysis of such concepts as 'truth', 'belief' and 'knowledge'.

Thus, Epistemology is a theory of knowledge that tells its source, on how it happens and its relation with man experience. Epistemology is apart of ethics. Both are important to evaluate man performance and intention to show its relation.

Achievement hierarchy of knowledge: cognitive faculty.
· Tafakur
· Ta'akul
· Tafakuh
· Tasawwur
· Tafahum

Hierarchy and type of the receiver of knowledge
Knowledge hierarchy:
The sources of knowledge through Islamic Philosophy acknowledgement are as follow:

1. Wahyu/Naqli

Allah says:

"So take what the messenger gives you, and refrain from what He prohibits you." (surah al-Hasyr : 7)

Wahyu is a source of all knowledge. It relates to aspects like divinity, aqidah, syariah, especially matters of halal and haram and akhlak. Wahyu was brought or revealed by Allah to his messengers/prophet as a main source of knowledge and guidance to all human beings. Wahyu consists hadith qudsi that were conveyed by Rasulullah saw that is known as hadith sahih: through words, performances and agreement (iqrar). It becomes second important source of knowledge after Quran.

2. Ilham

Abd Halim Mahmud (1964) said: Ilham is closely related to one's institution, which includes direct association with emotional perception, sense, mind (through thoughts) and the acceptance of conclusion. Institution and inspiration enable quick transition from the stage of not knowing to knowing hence, sharpens the real potential of our minds. Ilham is a unique way of accepting knowledge because it is given directly by Allah swt.

3. Hissi ( Senses)

Senses are the main source of knowledge through Al-Kindi's view while mind is the second source of knowledge. Al-Kindi emphasised the important of sense in order to gain knowledge and Al-Farabi merely classified human knowledge as knowledge of sense. But Al-Ghazali was the only one who critiqued the role of senses as the source of knowledge among other philosophers. According to him, senses could not contribute any knowledge but mind.

4. Akal/Rationale

Akal is another source of knowledge. Most of philosophers dignified it, whereas the others did not. They are the rational philosophers like the followers of Muktazilah and Syiah, especially Zaidiyah. They assumed that Akal depicts everything that include the existence of Allah SWT, good or bad and other occult matters. Ahli Kalam, Ahlusunnah, ulama-ulama tassawuf. Fekah and hadith are among of those who had a simple perception on akal. For them, eventhough akal has unlimited approach than senses, yet when it comes to a matter of akhlak, divinity and supernatural, it is still unlimited. Al Ghazali was the man who valuates akal moderately. Through his writing, it can concluded that akal has different uses towards impression and morality.

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