Saturday, November 14, 2009


Sambungan EPISTEMOLOGY AND AXIOLOGY IN ISLAM daripada episod yang lepas

The Knowledge Receiver:

Basically, there are numbers of group involved through the process of receiving the knowledge.

· The Rasul and Nabi ( Prophets )

Rasul is defined as a free man who received wahyu from Allah SWT and was ordered to diffuse to all man. But if the wahyu was meant for him and not to be diffused, he is known as Nabi. As example, Prophet Muhammad SAW was a prophet appointed by Allah SWT to diffuse the messages, which was brought by the early prophets through Quran.

Awlia (the Wali)

Wali is a gifted man and has the most devotion to Allah SWT apart from nabi and rasul who are sincerity in order to know and to get closer to Allah.

· Hukama (the ulama and intellectual)
Hukama can be defined as experts in knowledge that involves the ilmu fardhu 'ain (personal duty) and fardhu kifayah (general duty).

Allah says:
"if ye realise this not, ask those who possess the message " (al-Nahl:43)

Rasulullah saw said:

"you are to be a man with knowledge or a man that learns or listens and don't you ever become the fourth group (except the first three ) or else you'll be destroyed.

Allah says:

"Say are those equal, those who know and those who not know" (al-Zumar:9)

· The Public

They are majority of the society that received knowledge imparted by the early Rasul or Nabi, Awlia and Hukama. Rasulullah saw said:

"Those who wish for a perfect life in the presence must gain knowledge and those who are wishing for a happy hereafter too with knowledge and those who wish for both too with knowledge".

As a conclusion, there are number of sources in achievement hierarchy of knowledge. They are wahyu, as the prime source, ilham or the knowledge or laduni, senses or the knowledge or hissi and finally akal or rational. To be exact, Islam accept any source at all as long it brings knowledge and will benefit its follower .In order to impart the knowledge, there are rasul and nabi, awlia, hukuma and public who are responsible to ensure that it will spread widely.

Introduction to Axiology in Islam

Axiology derived from a Greek word, axios (price or value) and logos (logic or theory). Apart from that, it also means:

· A branch of philosophy dealing with values, i.e., ethics, aesthetics, and religion. Based on the Greek for "worth."

· The study of the nature of types of and criteria of values and of value judgements, especially in ethics (John Warfield)

· The general theory of value; the study of objects of interest. (Lotze)


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Hak cipta terpelihara. Setiap artikel yang tersiar di blog ini dihasilkan untuk tujuan pendidikan dan bersifat non-komersil. Pembaca bebas menyalin dan menyebarkan artikel yang terdapat di sini, namun alamat blog ini hendaklah disertakan bersama untuk memudahkan proses rujukan. Tajuk-tajuk yang dikupas lebih kepada masalah-masalah / persoalan-persoalan asas tentang Islam (persoalan paling asas dengan menggunakan logik akal (berpandukan bidang agama,akauntan,ekonomi,doktor,kejuruteraan,undang-undang & IT yang penulis pelajari sikit setiap bidang) dan ayat Quran/Hadith),adab adat budaya warisan kita,perkara-perkara dunia&pengalaman kisah hidup penulis. Perhatian! Penulis hanya orang biasa & bukannya Ustaz

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